When I took the leap of faith to get my kids their first pet, I was stunned by how difficult it was to teach them proper care techniques. I ended up enrolling them in grooming and care classes through my local pet store. While there, we learned a lot of tips and tricks for taking care of many common household pets. I knew that others could benefit from this information, so I decided to create this site to help. Whether you've had family pets for a while or you're getting ready to buy your kids their first, this site can help you be adequately prepared.

Dealing With An Epileptic Dog

15 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a dog that has a seizure disorder then it is important for you to do everything that you can to prevent them from getting hurt. You want to make some changes around your house and possibly even make changes with the way that you do things with your dog so you can prevent injuries when they have a seizure. This article will give you some great tips so you can learn about some of the changes you should consider making: Read More …

Taking Your Retriever Hunting For The First Time? What Gear Will You Need?

11 April 2017
 Categories: , Articles

If you've always been an avid hunter but have only recently begun training your pup to safely retrieve your prey, you may be excited at the prospect of heading out to the woods for your first tandem hunt. However, preparing your retriever for action can go beyond simply learning verbal commands. Read on to learn more about some of the protective gear you'll want to utilize during your dog's first hunting trip, as well as a few gadgets that can make your experience much more rewarding. Read More …